DuraDraw Series

The DuraDraw Series of metal forming fluids are formulated for drawing, stamping, roll forming, cold heading and extruding operations. High EP and film strength reduces die marks, scoring and galling while prolonging tool life. Our custom approach to solving problems with the DuraDraw Series assures you’re getting the optimum product for your economy, quality, production, cleanability and application objectives.

Falcon Industrial also offers proportioners and application equipment for these fluids.  Contact your Falcon representative for more information or call 800-831-5960.


* Synthetic fluids
* Soluble oils
* Semi-synthetic fluids
* Vanishing oils
* Straight oils
* Dry film types


* Most formulations do not contain sulfur, chlorine, phosphates, phenols, nitrates or PCBs
* Extreme pressure and lubricity
* Exceptional anti-weld properties
* High operator acceptance
* In-process rust protection
* Non-corrosive
* Non-staining
* Hard water tolerance
* Stable after dilution
* Excellent bacteria control
* Recyclable
* Low foaming


Synthetic Drawing and Stamping Fluids – Contains no mineral oil

DURADRAW 6572 – High Performance Synthetic Fluid- DuraDraw 6572 is a heavy synthetic duty pre-formed emulsion type stamping and drawing compound for ferrous metals. Low rust protection. Use where parts are washed and coated immediately after forming.

DURADRAW-6403 – High Performance Synthetic Fluid- DuraDraw 6403 is a heavy duty synthetic stamping and drawing fluid for ferrous metals. This is a new type of synthetic without soaps and other tackiness agents. Also used for blanking operations.

DURADRAW-VO-101- Vanishing Oil for Drawing Operations- Duradraw VO-101 vanishing oil is formulated to provide lubricity and EP (extreme pressure) for stamping, drawing, forming, slitting and blanking operations while leaving only a slight residual film. The time necessary for a dry part is approximately twenty minutes depending on residual film thickness, temperature and humidity.

DURADRAW-VO-501- Light duty Semi-Synthetic Stamping Compound- DuraDrawVO-501 is a light to medium duty semi-synthetic stamping fluid that replaces conventional vanishing oils. This is a “Box & Ship” type product; parts do not have to be washed prior to shipping. Leaves a very thin film with excellent indoor rust protection. This product can be cut back with water up to 10:1. DuraDraw VO-501 contains additional esters to provide more lubricity for more difficult draws. Use on ferrous and non-ferrous metals.  (VO-501 series is available with additive package to speed up drying)

DURADRAW 6026AL Synthetic Soap Drawing Compound- DuraDraw 6026AL is a synthetic soap based drawing and stamping fluid. Excellent on large deep draws like bar-b-que pits, range doors, etc.

DURADRAW 6507A- Synthetic Drawing compound- DuraDraw 6507A is a synthetic drawing and stamping fluid formulated for use on copper and brass. Used to form radiator headers and tubs. May also be used on light ferrous materials.

DURADRAW-6576-3BF Heavy-Duty Synthetic Fluid- DuraDraw 6576-3BF is our most powerful synthetic. It out performs heavy-duty chlorinated soluble oils 2 to 1.  It has been successfully used on truck and auto frames.  In many applications may be welded without cleaning.  Excellent for heavy-duty progressive die forming operations.


Soluble Oil Drawing and Stamping Fluids- Contains petroleum oils

DURADRAW 305- Extra High Performance Soluble Oil- DuraDraw 305 is an extra heavy duty soluble oil stamping and drawing compound for ferrous metals. Parts must be washed and coated after forming. Has bonding agent for multiple stages. It is easily washed off with our DuraKlean NRC.  Similar to Franklin 1919 or 2806M 100.

DURADRAW-310 – High Performance Soluble Oil- DuraDraw 310 is a heavy duty soluble oil stamping and drawing compound for ferrous metals. DuraDraw 310 has bonding agent for multiple stages. Parts must be washed and coated after forming.  It is easily washed off with our DuraKlean NRC or ST-Turbo.

DURADRAW 340 – High Performance Soluble Oil- DuraDraw 340 is a heavy duty soluble oil stamping and drawing compound for ferrous metals and non ferrous metals. This product has good rust protection and has bonding agent for multiple stages. It is easily washed off with our DuraKlean NRC or ST-Turbo.